書法加免費版(CalliPlus) 書法字典 | 全國安養院資訊網
個人隨身書法字帖,只要有網路,隨時可以查詢想要練習的字。由於網路遭屏蔽,中國地區無法使用,請勿下載!查詢字帖1.查詢單字:列出單字在各書法家在各 ...
Mobile Chinese calligraphy dictionary. With internet, you can look up calligraphy written by famous calligraphers in the history.Due to Firewall Blocking, this app cant be used in China.
Look up 1. Look up single character:list how the Chinese character is written in different styles by different masters. 2. Look up multiple characters:you can swipe left/right to see different character lists. 3. Show information about the calligrapher and its written in which masterpiece. 4. Adjust how many columns are shown in the same screen.
Writing Practice 1. Click on characters to see large one. 2. Grid lines can be displayed in background. 3. Characters can be shown in contour. 4. Use your finger to write on the screen 5. Share calligraphy characters, or your own handwritings. 6. Save individual calligraphy or handwritings to external storage (under folder CalliPlus) 7. Select the...
在App Store 上的「雲章書法字典」 | 全國安養院資訊網
書法加免費版(CalliPlus) 書法字典 | 全國安養院資訊網
書法字典大全 | 全國安養院資訊網
在App Store 上的「书法字库」 | 全國安養院資訊網
在App Store 上的「活字帖- 體驗書法之美」 | 全國安養院資訊網
App Store 上的《书法字库》 | 全國安養院資訊網
9款書法字庫app下載,各種書法字帖通通都有 | 全國安養院資訊網
書法字體免費搜尋下載Android App 隨身臨摹書法家字帖字型 | 全國安養院資訊網
線上《字體產生器》特殊藝術字、書法、草書、可愛花文字 ... | 全國安養院資訊網
乾貨!這十款超好用的書法APP,讓練字瞬間高效十倍! | 全國安養院資訊網